Wordpress website design in Sárospatak, Tokaj Wine Region. Fast SEO optimised, mobile friendly, responsive webdesign. WooCommerce webshops.

Palkó Plant on Wordpress

Palkó Plant on WordPress

The new website for Palko Plant Inc. was launched today. The site was built on a Wordpress engine, and is available on Hungarian and English languages. The English translation was provided by Katherine Chapman translator, proofreader.

Wine, shine …Bénye 2010

The new website for the festival Wine, Shine …Bénye is up. It is a full WordPress site, in English and Hungarian. All other online and printed advertisement for the festival – which will be at 7th of August-, were designed at PWSDesign…
Folyatofuras.hu – Wordpress alapokon - PWSDesign

Folyatofuras.hu – on WordPress engine

Folyatoforas.hu, the new site for Technovit Bt. is finished. The redesigned page based on Wordpress and thus the client is able to update the content without assistance from PWSDesign. We employ the Google Analytics system to measure visitor…
Webdesig a teuton.hu részére - PWSDesign

Webdesign for teuton.hu

teuton.hu, and the German version insungsrische.hu, is in its final phases of completion. There are static web pages that are complemented with two complete Wordpress blogs. Thus the client will be able to put up new content as and when is necessary,…

PWSDesign WordPress Theme v2

I start using the new PWSDesign WordPress Theme, which i started to develop ages ago. Some features of the site are not ready, or not functioning as i would like them to, but we’re on it.