About Szentirmai Zsolt

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But we are proud to say that Szentirmai Zsolt contributed 434 entries already.

Entries by Szentirmai Zsolt

The Old Bridge – desktop wallpapers

It’s been a long time since i posted desktop wallpapers. These three new pairs of wallpapers are designed for Windows XP at 1680×1050 screen resolution. The project 1680×1050 wallpapers are callibrated for monitor running at 1680×1050 resolution, which means that in this case the icons on your desktop can be organised in the two black […]

Old Bridge, Sárospatak

The crumbling bridge of the narrow gauge train has been out of use for decades. (on Google Maps) There was a power cut on Friday, so i went out to get some fresh air. The bridge is being slowly taken away, bit by bit. Crossing is prohibited, and dangerous. But it is still a nice chill […]

Sárospatak as a gallery

Text in language Hungarian only Azzal, hogy a képeknek erős hatása van, a legtöbben tisztában vagyunk. Vannak akik meg is élnek ebből a tudásból. A képzőművészek mellett ma talán leginkább a hirdetési szakemberek. Egy jellemző különbség amit ki szeretnék most emelni, az a szándék: a képzőművészet ad, a reklám elad.Én azt érzem, hogy itt és […]

Inauguration of the Bakery, Rákóczi Castle

There is a great deal of activity and passion to rejuvenate the Castle District and to once again bring life to this special place. Just last year the renovation and reconstruction of the bakery was completed as part of the building programme. The first proper firing of the oven provided a feast of breads, brioches, […]

The first post

Today i made live the WordPress blog section of theis website. Its not public yet, i would like to find the major bugs, before i make it live on pwsdesign.com.