Tag Archive for: Zemplén

Winemakers of Erdőbénye, at Wine, Shine …Bénye festival

It is always hard for me to select photos, so it took long to choose some out of the many i took at the “Wine, Shine ...Bénye” festival. But here they are. PWSDesign’s selection on the winemakers, cellars which i managed to visit. Ábrahám Illés Vivamus H.…

Wine, Shine …Bénye 2009 – photos

This is the first quick selection taken at the "Bor, Mámor, Bénye" Festival. There will be soon another post with more pictures categorised by the different places and events.

Land of superlatives: Zemplén (pdf)

"This is the first publication of its type to give a detailed and amply illustrated insight into Zemplén County. Although long overdue, we hope it will help visitors discover the treasures that lie in store in this north-eastern…

Old Bridge, Sárospatak

The crumbling bridge of the narrow gauge train has been out of use for decades. (on Google Maps) There was a power cut on Friday, so i went out to get some fresh air. The bridge is being slowly taken away, bit by bit. Crossing is prohibited,…